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contributor authorMehdi Ghaboolien
contributor authorBehnam Khatabien
contributor authorفرج اله شهریاری احمدیen
contributor authorMozhgan Sepehrien
contributor authorMehdi Mirzaeien
contributor authorArdeshir Amirkhanien
contributor authorJesús V. Jorrín-Novoen
contributor authorGhasem Hosseini Salekdehen
contributor authorFarajollah Shahriari Ahmadifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:16:12Z
date available2020-06-06T13:16:12Z
date issued2013
identifier uri
description abstractPiriformospora indica is amutualistic root endophytic fungus,which transfers several benefits to hosts including enhance plant growth and increase yield under both normal and stress

conditions. It has been shown that P. indica root-colonization enhances water stress tolerance

based on general and non-specific plant-species mechanism. To better understand the

molecular mechanism of P. indica-mediated drought stress tolerance, we designed a set of

comparative experiments to study the impact of P. indica on barely plants cultivar “Golden

Promise” grown under different drought levels [Filed capacity (F.C.) and 25% F.C.]. P. indica enhanced root and shoot biomass of colonized plants under both well-watered and

water-deficit conditions. Proteome analysis of P. indica-colonized barley leaves under

well-treated and water-deficit conditions resulted in detection of 726 reproducibly protein

spots.Mass spectrometry analysis resulted in the identification of 45 differentially accumulated

proteins involved in photosynthesis, reactive oxygen scavenging, metabolisms, signal

transduction, and plant defense responses. Interestingly, P. indica increased the level of proteins

involved in photosynthesis, antioxidative defense system and energy transport. We propose

that P. indica-mediated drought stress tolerance in barely is through photosynthesis

stimulation, energy releasing and enhanced antioxidative capacity in colonized plants.
titleProteomics study reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying water stress tolerance induced by Piriformospora indica in barleyen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsDroughten
subject keywordsSymbiosis associationen
subject keywordsPiriformospora indicaen
subject keywordsPhotosynthesisen
subject keywordsAntioxidative capacityen
subject keywordsBarleyen
subject keywordsProteomicsen
journal titleJournal of Proteomicsfa
journal volume94
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1038782

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