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contributor authorسید مجتبی موسوی نژادen
contributor authorفرزاد شهابیان مقدمen
contributor authorسیدمحمود حسینیen
contributor authorseyed mojtaba mosavi nejadfa
contributor authorFarzad Shahabian Moghadamfa
contributor authorSeyed Mahmoud Hosseinifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:13:33Z
date available2020-06-06T13:13:33Z
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractApplication of meshless local integral equations based on meshless local Petrov-Galerkin

(MLPG) method is developed for two dimensional dynamic stress analysis in 2D-FG cylinder

with two directional grading patterns. It is assumed that the inner bounding surface of

cylinder is excited by mechanical shock loading. The problem is studied in frequency domain

by Laplace transformation and then the stresses are transferred to time domain using Talbot

techniques. The mechanical properties of FGMs are simulated using a nonlinear model with

radial and axial volume fractions. The 2D propagation of stresses are tracked through radial

and axial direction in a two dimensional domain for various grading patterns at different time

instants. By employing the presented meshless technique, the maximum values of stresses are

calculated. The effects of various grading patterns on maximum values of stresses are studied

in details. The presented formulations based on MLPG furnish a ground for 2D stress wave

propagation in FGMs with two directional grading patterns.
titleTwo dimensional stress wave propagation in finite length FG cylinders with two directional nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG methoden
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsStress wave propagationen
subject keywordsmetal-ceramicen
subject keywordsnonlinear mechanical propertiesen
subject keywordsmeshless-local Petrov-Galerkin methoden
subject keywordsshock loadingen
subject keywordsfunctionally graded materialsen
journal titleJournal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCEfa
journal volume140
journal issue3
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identifier articleid1035404

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