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contributor authorHuiyang Liu
contributor authorLong Cheng
contributor authorMin Tan
contributor authorZengguang Hou
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:34:03Z
date available2020-03-13T00:34:03Z
date issued2014
identifier issn2329-9266
identifier other7004542.pdf
identifier uri
titleContainment control of general linear multi-agent systems with multiple dynamic leaders: A fast sliding mode based approach
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8334923
subject keywordsLyapunov methods
subject keywordsasymptotic stability
subject keywordsconvex programming
subject keywordsmulti-agent systems
subject keywordsvariable structure systems
subject keywordscontrol Lyapunov function
subject keywordsconvex hull
subject keywordsdistributed containment control problems
subject keywordserror trajectories
subject keywordsexponential finite time stability
subject keywordsfast sliding mode based approach
subject keywordsfast sliding mode controllers
subject keywordsgeneral linear multiagent systems
subject keywordsmultiagent network
subject keywordsmultiple dynamic leaders
subject keywordssliding mode surfaces
subject keywordsManifolds
subject keywordsMulti-agent systems
subject keywordsRobot kinematics
subject keywordsRobot sensing systems
subject keywordsSliding mode
identifier doi10.1109/JAS.2014.7004542
journal titleAutomatica Sinica, IEEE/CAA Journal of
journal volume1
journal issue2

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