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contributor authorMatolak, David
contributor authorRuoyu Sun
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:33:45Z
date available2020-03-13T00:33:45Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0885-8985
identifier other6992876.pdf
identifier uri
titleAir-ground channel measurements and modeling for UAS
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8334702
subject keywordsaircraft communication
subject keywordsautonomous aerial vehicles
subject keywordsmobile robots
subject keywordstelecommunication network reliability
subject keywordstelerobotics
subject keywordswireless channels
subject keywordsAG channel
subject keywordsCNPC
subject keywordsGS antennas
subject keywordsNAS
subject keywordsUAS
subject keywordsair ground channel measurements
subject keywordsair ground channel modeling
subject keywordsair-ground channel
subject keywordscontrol and nonpayload communications
subject keywordsground site antennas
subject keywordsnational airspace system
subject keywordspiloted aircraft
subject keywordsspectrum allocations
subject keywordsunmanned aircraft systems
subject keywordsAerospace control
subject keywordsAntenna measurements
subject keywordsC-band
subject keywordsCommunication systems
subject keywordsComputationa
identifier doi10.1109/MAES.2014.130104
journal titleAerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE
journal volume29
journal issue11

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