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contributor authorJing Li
contributor authorJunzheng Wang
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:30:50Z
date available2020-03-13T00:30:50Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1751-9632
identifier other6969235.pdf
identifier uri
titleRobust object tracking algorithm based on sparse eigenbasis
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8332759
subject keywordsBayes methods
subject keywordsKarhunen-Loeve transforms
subject keywordscompressed sensing
subject keywordseigenvalues and eigenfunctions
subject keywordsimage coding
subject keywordsimage representation
subject keywordsinference mechanisms
subject keywordslearning (artificial intelligence)
subject keywordsobject detection
subject keywordsobject tracking
subject keywordsstate estimation
subject keywordsBayesian inference
subject keywordsKarhunen-Loeve transform
subject keywordsadaptive object tracker
subject keywordscompressive sensing theory
subject keywordscomputation reduction
subject keywordsillumination changes
subject keywordslow-dimensional subspace representation
subject keywordsobject appearance variation
subject keywordsobject detection algorithm
subject keywordsonline learning
identifier doi10.1049/iet-cvi.2013.0175
journal titleComputer Vision, IET
journal volume8
journal issue6

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