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contributor authorJiyan Wu
contributor authorJingqi Yang
contributor authorYanlei Shang
contributor authorBo Cheng
contributor authorJunliang Chen
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:29:17Z
date available2020-03-13T00:29:17Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1229-2370
identifier other6955964.pdf
identifier uri
titleSPMLD: Sub-packet based multipath load distribution for real-time multimedia traffic
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8331750
subject keywordsmultimedia communication
subject keywordsreal-time systems
subject keywordstelecommunication power management
subject keywordstelecommunication traffic
subject keywordsvideo streaming
subject keywordsSPMLD
subject keywordsconstrained optimization problem
subject keywordsdynamic packet splitting
subject keywordsend to end delay
subject keywordsinput video streaming
subject keywordsmultipath transport
subject keywordspacket reordering
subject keywordsprogressive approximation method
subject keywordsqueuing delay
subject keywordsreal time H.264 video streaming
subject keywordsreal time multimedia traffic
subject keywordsscheduling policy
subject keywordssubpacket based multipath load distribution
subject keywordstotal packet delay
subject keywordsvideo peak signal to noise rati
identifier doi10.1109/JCN.2014.000093
journal titleCommunications and Networks, Journal of
journal volume16
journal issue5

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