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contributor authorZimmermann, S.
contributor authorBarragan, Sergio Alfredo Garnica
contributor authorFatikow, Sergej
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:12:52Z
date available2020-03-13T00:12:52Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1932-4510
identifier other6851167.pdf
identifier uri
titleNanorobotic Processing of Graphene: A platform tailored for rapid prototyping of graphene-based devices.
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8320552
subject keywordsfullerene devices
subject keywordsgraphene
subject keywordsindustrial robots
subject keywordsnanofabrication
subject keywordsrapid prototyping (industrial)
subject keywordscarbon
subject keywordselectrical characterization
subject keywordsgraphene flakes
subject keywordsgraphene-based devices
subject keywordshigh-quality graphene
subject keywordsnanorobotic graphene processing
subject keywordsphysical properties
subject keywordsrapid prototyping
subject keywordsultrathin membrane
subject keywordsGraphene
subject keywordsMicroscopy
subject keywordsMobile communication
subject keywordsMobile robots
subject keywordsNanoscale devices
subject keywordsProbes
subject keywordsSubstrates
identifier doi10.1109/MNANO.2014.2326969
journal titleNanotechnology Magazine, IEEE
journal volume8
journal issue3

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