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contributor authorChangsong Chen
contributor authorShanxu Duan
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:02:53Z
date available2020-03-13T00:02:53Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1551-3203
identifier other6813686.pdf
identifier uri
titleOptimal Integration of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Microgrids
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8313480
subject keywordsMonte Carlo methods
subject keywordscost reduction
subject keywordsdistributed power generation
subject keywordsgenetic algorithms
subject keywordshybrid electric vehicles
subject keywordsload forecasting
subject keywordsminimisation
subject keywordsphotovoltaic power systems
subject keywordspower distribution economics
subject keywordspower engineering computing
subject keywordspower generation economics
subject keywordspower generation scheduling
subject keywordspower markets
subject keywordsradial basis function networks
subject keywordssmart power grids
subject keywordssolar power
subject keywordsGA method
subject keywordsMonte Carlo simulation
subject keywordsPHEV integration
subject keywordsRBFN technique
subject keywordseconomical performance
subject keywordselectricity consumers
subject keywordselectricity mark
identifier doi10.1109/TII.2014.2322822
journal titleIndustrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume10
journal issue3

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