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contributor authorBoselli, Marco
contributor authorCavrini, Francesca
contributor authorColombo, Vittorio
contributor authorGhedini, Emanuele
contributor authorGherardi, Matteo
contributor authorLaurita, Romolo
contributor authorLiguori, Anna
contributor authorSanibondi, Paolo
contributor authorStancampiano, Augusto
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:02:52Z
date available2020-03-13T00:02:52Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0093-3813
identifier other6813682.pdf
identifier uri
titleHigh-Speed and Schlieren Imaging of a Low Power Inductively Coupled Plasma Source for Potential Biomedical Applications
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8313476
subject keywordsantibacterial activity
subject keywordsbiomedical engineering
subject keywordsdischarges (electric)
subject keywordsplasma applications
subject keywordsplasma diagnostics
subject keywordsplasma flow
subject keywordsplasma sources
subject keywordsplasma temperature
subject keywordsplasma torches
subject keywordsschlieren systems
subject keywordsSchlieren imaging
subject keywordsbiocompatible temperatures
subject keywordsbiomedical applications
subject keywordsdischarge behavior
subject keywordsflow fields
subject keywordsgaseous effluent
subject keywordshigh temperature thermal plasma
subject keywordshigh-speed imaging
subject keywordsignition transients
subject keywordslow power inductively coupled plasma source
subject keywordslow-power inductively coupled plasma torch
subject keywordsplasma device
subject keywordspre
identifier doi10.1109/TPS.2014.2319856
journal titlePlasma Science, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume42
journal issue10

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