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contributor authorZhao Xu
contributor authorMazumder, Prasenjit
date accessioned2020-03-13T00:02:07Z
date available2020-03-13T00:02:07Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9383
identifier other6810819.pdf
identifier uri
titleTerahertz Beam Steering With Doped GaAs Phase Modulator and a Design of Spatial-Resolved High-Speed Terahertz Analog-to-Digital Converter
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8312963
subject keywordsIII-V semiconductors
subject keywordsanalogue-digital conversion
subject keywordsbeam steering
subject keywordscarrier density
subject keywordsfinite element analysis
subject keywordsgallium arsenide
subject keywordsphase modulation
subject keywordspolaritons
subject keywordssemiconductor doping
subject keywordssilicon
subject keywordssurface plasmons
subject keywordsterahertz wave devices
subject keywordswaveguides
subject keywordsDC-SSPP waveguides
subject keywordsGaAs:Si
subject keywordsbeam bender
subject keywordsbeam steering structure
subject keywordsdoped GaAs phase modulator
subject keywordsdoubly corrugated spoofed surface plasmon polariton
subject keywordsfinite element simulations
subject keywordsfree carrier density
subject keywordsgroove region
subject keywordsinterferometric structure
subject keywordslocalized doping
subject keywordsm
identifier doi10.1109/TED.2014.2318278
journal titleElectron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume61
journal issue6

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