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contributor authorTarasov, Michael /A/.
contributor authorEdelman, Valerian S.
contributor authorMahashabde, Sumedh
contributor authorKuzmin, Leonid S.
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:57:19Z
date available2020-03-12T23:57:19Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1051-8223
identifier other6786305.pdf
identifier uri
titlePower Load and Temperature Dependence of Cold-Electron Bolometer Optical Response at 350 GHz
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8309616
subject keywordsantennas
subject keywordsblackbody radiation
subject keywordsbolometers
subject keywordsradiofrequency cosmic radiation
subject keywordsblackbody radiation source
subject keywordscold electron bolometer
subject keywordscosmic microwave background
subject keywordsfrequency 350 GHz
subject keywordsoptical response
subject keywordsphonon temperature
subject keywordspower load
subject keywordsquasioptical coupling efficiency
subject keywordsresponsivity
subject keywordstemperature 3 K to 15 K
subject keywordstemperature dependence
subject keywordstwin slot antennas
subject keywordsBolometers
subject keywordsJunctions
subject keywordsNoise
subject keywordsPhonons
subject keywordsTemperature dependence
subject keywordsCold-electron bolometer (CEB)
subject keywordselectron&
subject keywords#x2013
subject keywordsphonon interaction
subject keywordssuperconducting tunnel
identifier doi10.1109/TASC.2014.2316196
journal titleApplied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume24
journal issue6

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