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contributor authorShirazi, Mehran M.
contributor authorRad, Ahmad B.
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:52:29Z
date available2020-03-12T23:52:29Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1524-9050
identifier other6767039.pdf
identifier uri
titleDetection of Intoxicated Drivers Using Online System Identification of Steering Behavior
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8306280
subject keywordsKalman filters
subject keywordsautoregressive moving average processes
subject keywordsbehavioural sciences computing
subject keywordsroad safety
subject keywordsroad traffic
subject keywordsARIMAX model
subject keywordsKalman filter
subject keywordsautoregressive noise integration moving average with exogenous input model
subject keywordshigh-fidelity driving simulator
subject keywordsimpaired driver
subject keywordsimpaired driving
subject keywordsintoxicated drivers detection
subject keywordsintoxicated driving
subject keywordsonline identification technique
subject keywordsonline system identification
subject keywordsreckless driving style
subject keywordssober driver
subject keywordssteering behavior
subject keywordssteering wheel angle
subject keywordssystem identifica
identifier doi10.1109/TITS.2014.2307891
journal titleIntelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume15
journal issue4

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