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date accessioned2020-03-12T23:51:08Z
date available2020-03-12T23:51:08Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0272-1732
identifier other6762795.pdf
identifier uri
titleHaswell: The Fourth-Generation Intel Core Processor
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8305324
subject keywordsmicroprocessor chips
subject keywordsHaswell
subject keywordsIntel process technology
subject keywordscore instruction set
subject keywordsfourth-generation Intel core processor architecture
subject keywordspower management
subject keywordspower-performance efficiency
subject keywordssize 22 nm
subject keywordsuncore microarchitecture
subject keywordsBandwidth
subject keywordsBatteries
subject keywordsInstruction sets
subject keywordsPerformance evaluation
subject keywordsPower system management
subject keywordsProgram processors
subject keywordsRegulators
subject keywordsServers
subject keywordsTechnological innovation
subject keywordsVoltage control
subject keywordsHaswell
subject keywordsIntel TSX
subject keywordsIntel Transactional Synchronization Extensions
subject keywordsIntel core processor
subject keywordsinstruction set enh
identifier doi10.1109/MM.2014.10
journal titleMicro, IEEE
journal volume34
journal issue2

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