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contributor authorBennett, Charles H.
contributor authorDevetak, Igor
contributor authorHarrow, Aram W.
contributor authorShor, Peter W.
contributor authorWinter, Andreas
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:50:35Z
date available2020-03-12T23:50:35Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0018-9448
identifier other6757002.pdf
identifier uri
titleThe Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem and Resource Tradeoffs for Simulating Quantum Channels
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8304958
subject keywordschannel capacity
subject keywordschannel coding
subject keywordsquantum communication
subject keywordsquantum entanglement
subject keywordsauxiliary resources
subject keywordsbackward communication
subject keywordschannel capacity
subject keywordschannel inputs
subject keywordscoherent feedback simulations
subject keywordscommunication resources
subject keywordsentanglement-assisted capacity theorem
subject keywordsentanglement-embezzling states
subject keywordsforward communication cost
subject keywordsinformation theory
subject keywordsmemoryless source quantum generalization
subject keywordsnoiseless channels
subject keywordsnoisy channel coding problem
subject keywordsnontensor-power sources
subject keywordsquantum channel simulation
subject keywordsquantum reverse Shann
identifier doi10.1109/TIT.2014.2309968
journal titleInformation Theory, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume60
journal issue5

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