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contributor authorChou, Shih-Fan
contributor authorChiu, Te-Chuan
contributor authorYu, Ya-Ju
contributor authorPang, Ai-Chun
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:44:03Z
date available2020-03-12T23:44:03Z
date issued2014
identifier other7037574.pdf
identifier uri
titleMobile small cell deployment for next generation cellular networks
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8298415
subject keywordsEMTP
subject keywordsn electromagnetic wave reflection
subject keywordsn fault location
subject keywordsn ABRW
subject keywordsn EMTP
subject keywordsn IW
subject keywordsn RFRW
subject keywordsn adjacent bus reflected wave-head
subject keywordsn ground-modal
subject keywordsn initial wave-head
subject keywordsn line-modal
subject keywordsn real fault-point reflected wave-head
subject keywordsn reflected wave-head
subject keywordsn single-ended traveling wave fault location method
subject keywordsn wave-head comparison method
subject keywordsn Aerial-modal traveling wave-head
subject keywordsn Ground-modal traveling wave-head
subject keywordsn Karenbauer transformation
subject keywordsn Single-ended fault location
subject keywordsn Wave-
identifier doi10.1049/cp.2014.0048

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