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date accessioned2020-03-12T23:32:08Z
date available2020-03-12T23:32:08Z
date issued2014
identifier other6897325.pdf
identifier uri
titleHigh performance phase change thermal interface materials based on porous graphitic carbon spheres-paraffin wax composite
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8284549
subject keywordsenergy storage
subject keywordsenvironmental economics
subject keywordspower distribution economics
subject keywordswind power
subject keywordsDSO
subject keywordsNPV
subject keywordsRES
subject keywordsactive network management scheme
subject keywordscongestion management
subject keywordscurrent/voltage congestion
subject keywordsdistribution lines/cables
subject keywordsdistribution system operators
subject keywordsenergy storage
subject keywordsenvironmental and economic incentives
subject keywordsenvironmic incentives
subject keywordsnet present values
subject keywordsrenewable energy sources
subject keywordswind curtailment reduction
subject keywordswind power
subject keywordswind profile data
subject keywordsBatteries
subject keywordsDischarges (electric)
subject keywordsOptimization
subject keywordsProduction
subject keywordsRenewable energy
identifier doi10.1109/ICRERA.2014.7016405
journal titlelectronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2014 IEEE 64th
contributor rawauthorZhihua Cao , Kai Zhang , Guoping Zhang , Yuen, M.M.F. , Ping Gu , Xianzhu Fu , Rong Sun , Wong, C.P.

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