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contributor authorEngelko, V.
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:26:16Z
date available2020-03-12T23:26:16Z
date issued2014
identifier other6891971.pdf
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titleSource of radial converging electron beam for modification of long-length cylindrical targets
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8280409
subject keywordsdata mining
subject keywordsfeature extraction
subject keywordsmedical administrative data processing
subject keywordsnatural language processing
subject keywordsontologies (artificial intelligence)
subject keywordssemantic Web
subject keywordstext analysis
subject keywordsNLP tools
subject keywordsOWL ontology
subject keywordsSWRL
subject keywordsSemantic Web rule language
subject keywordsautomatic rules extraction
subject keywordsmedical texts
subject keywordsnatural language processing
subject keywordspolyvalent framework
subject keywordstext mining techniques
subject keywordsunstructured texts
subject keywordsAntibiotics
subject keywordsDiseases
subject keywordsOWL
subject keywordsOntologies
subject keywordsSemantics
subject keywordsText mining
subject keywordsNaturel language processing
subject keywordsSWRL rules
subject keywordsText mining
subject keywordscorpus
subject keywordsknowledg
identifier doi10.1109/IWAISE.2014.14
journal titleacuum Electron Sources Conference (IVESC), 2014 Tenth International

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