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contributor authorHajisami, Abolfazl
contributor authorViswanathan, Hariharasudhan
contributor authorPompili, Dario
date accessioned2020-03-12T23:01:55Z
date available2020-03-12T23:01:55Z
date issued2014
identifier other7035663.pdf
identifier uri
title"Cocktail Party in the Cloud": Blind Source Separation for Co-Operative Cellular Communication in Cloud RAN
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8246109
subject keywordsCollaboration
subject keywordsn Communities
subject keywordsn Disaster management
subject keywordsn Information management
subject keywordsn Organizations
subject keywordsn Sociology
subject keywordsn Statistics
subject keywordsn ChalL-lenges
subject keywordsn Collaboration
subject keywordsn Disaster management
subject keywordsn Framework
subject keywordsn Information sharing
subject keywordsn Requirements
subject keywordsn Risk prevention
identifier doi10.1109/ICT-DM.2014.6917784
journal titleobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on

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