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contributor authorMohapatra, S.K.
contributor authorPradhan, K.P.
contributor authorSahu, P.K
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:55:39Z
date available2020-03-12T22:55:39Z
date issued2014
identifier other7030435.pdf
identifier uri
titleLinearity and analog performance analysis in GSDG-MOSFET with gate and channel engineering
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8240970
subject keywordspower control
subject keywordsn power convertors
subject keywordsn converter topology
subject keywordsn cooling equipment
subject keywordsn modular high frequency converters
subject keywordsn optimized control strategy
subject keywordsn passive components
subject keywordsn vehicle applications
subject keywordsn Control methods for electrical systems
subject keywordsn Converter control
subject keywordsn Direct power control
subject keywordsn Electric vehicle
subject keywordsn High frequency power converter
subject keywordsn High power density systems
subject keywordsn MOSFET
subject keywordsn Multilevel converters
subject keywordsn Power converters for EV
subject keywordsn Power converters for HEV
identifier doi10.1109/EPE.2014.6910764
journal titlendia Conference (INDICON), 2014 Annual IEEE

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