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date accessioned2020-03-12T22:44:56Z
date available2020-03-12T22:44:56Z
date issued2014
identifier other7021834.pdf
identifier uri
title[Title page iii]
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8232558
subject keywordsoptical communication equipment
subject keywordsn optical filters
subject keywordsn optical tuning
subject keywordsn thermo-optical devices
subject keywordsn wavelength division multiplexing
subject keywordsn filter channel
subject keywordsn frequency 100 GHz
subject keywordsn frequency 50 GHz
subject keywordsn thermal-optical tuners
subject keywordsn tunable channel spacing
subject keywordsn tunable silicon microring Mux/DeMux WDM filters
subject keywordsn Arrayed waveguide gratings
subject keywordsn Channel spacing
subject keywordsn Optical fiber filters
subject keywordsn Silicon
subject keywordsn Tuning
subject keywordsn Wavelength division multiplexing
identifier doi10.1109/SUM.2014.111
journal titleateway Computing Environments Workshop (GCE), 2014 9th

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