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contributor authorKuhl, M.E.
contributor authorPerez Graciano, M.K.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:41:41Z
date available2020-03-12T22:41:41Z
date issued2014
identifier other7020171.pdf
identifier uri
titleProject planning and predictive Earned Value analysis via simulation
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8230280
subject keywordsLong Term Evolution
subject keywordsn UHF power amplifiers
subject keywordsn code division multiple access
subject keywordsn intermodulation distortion
subject keywordsn linearisation techniques
subject keywordsn LTE signal
subject keywordsn WCDMA signal
subject keywordsn class AB power amplifier
subject keywordsn concurrent dual band power amplifier
subject keywordsn cross modulation effect
subject keywordsn digital predistortion
subject keywordsn dynamic behavioral modeling
subject keywordsn intermodulation effect
subject keywordsn power amplifier linearization
subject keywordsn spectral regrowth
subject keywordsn twodimensional multibranch DPD
subject keywordsn Computational modeling
subject keywordsn Dual ba
identifier doi10.1109/CCECE.2014.6900997
journal titleimulation Conference (WSC), 2014 Winter

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