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contributor authorScholl, W.
contributor authorLaroque, C.
contributor authorWeigert, G.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:41:34Z
date available2020-03-12T22:41:34Z
date issued2014
identifier other7020099.pdf
identifier uri
titleEvaluations on scheduling in semiconductor manufacturing by backward simulation
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8230184
subject keywordsdigital control
subject keywordsn digital simulation
subject keywordsn maximum power point trackers
subject keywordsn modules
subject keywordsn perturbation techniques
subject keywordsn solar cells
subject keywordsn DC-DC buck boost converter
subject keywordsn MPPT technique
subject keywordsn Matlab/Simulink
subject keywordsn dSPACE 1104
subject keywordsn dSPACE hardware implementation
subject keywordsn dSPACE real time control
subject keywordsn data acquisition
subject keywordsn incremental conductance method
subject keywordsn maximum power point tracker
subject keywordsn observation method
subject keywordsn perturbation method
subject keywordsn photovoltaic solar module
subject keywordsn photovoltaic system
subject keywordsn Hardware
identifier doi10.1109/CCECE.2014.6900925
journal titleimulation Conference (WSC), 2014 Winter

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