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contributor authorCheng Bo
contributor authorLan Zhang
contributor authorTaeho Jung
contributor authorJunze Han
contributor authorXiang-Yang Li
contributor authorYu Wang
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:37:32Z
date available2020-03-12T22:37:32Z
date issued2014
identifier other7017067.pdf
identifier uri
titleContinuous user identification via touch and movement behavioral biometrics
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8227313
subject keywordscomputational complexity
subject keywordsn electronic mail
subject keywordsn mobile computing
subject keywordsn social networking (online)
subject keywordsn Enron data set
subject keywordsn email recipient prediction
subject keywordsn mobile devices
subject keywordsn online communication
subject keywordsn reverse chronologically arranged implicit groups
subject keywordsn social networking
subject keywordsn space complexity
subject keywordsn time complexity
subject keywordsn Computational modeling
subject keywordsn Computer science
subject keywordsn Databases
subject keywordsn Electronic mail
subject keywordsn Mobile handsets
subject keywordsn Prediction algorithms
subject keywordsn Predictive models
subject keywordsn Enron dataset
subject keywordsn i
identifier doi10.1109/IC3.2014.6897217
journal titleerformance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 2014 IEEE International

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