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contributor authorRafiev, A.
contributor authorIliasov, A.
contributor authorRomanovsky, A.
contributor authorMokhov, A.
contributor authorFei Xia
contributor authorYakovlev, A.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:36:09Z
date available2020-03-12T22:36:09Z
date issued2014
identifier other7016335.pdf
identifier uri
titleStudying the Interplay of Concurrency, Performance, Energy and Reliability with ArchOn -- An Architecture-Open Resource-Driven Cross-Layer Modelling Framework
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8226467
subject keywordsadaptive control
subject keywordsn control system analysis
subject keywordsn control system synthesis
subject keywordsn mobile robots
subject keywordsn motion control
subject keywordsn nonlinear control systems
subject keywordsn path planning
subject keywordsn robust control
subject keywordsn backstepping
subject keywordsn control analysis
subject keywordsn control design
subject keywordsn nonholonomic mobile robots
subject keywordsn nonlinear adaptive control strategy
subject keywordsn parameter projection technique
subject keywordsn robust adaptive path following control
subject keywordsn transverse function approach
subject keywordsn Adaptive systems
subject keywordsn Backstepping
subject keywordsn Educational institution
identifier doi10.1109/ChiCC.2014.6896480
journal titlepplication of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD), 2014 14th International Conference on

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