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contributor authorYu Hou
contributor authorRongrong Ni
contributor authorYao Zhao
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:34:44Z
date available2020-03-12T22:34:44Z
date issued2014
identifier other7015315.pdf
identifier uri
titleSteganalysis to adaptive pixel pair matching using two-group subtraction pixel adjacency model of covers
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8225532
subject keywordsenvironmental science computing
subject keywordsn learning (artificial intelligence)
subject keywordsn minimisation
subject keywordsn water quality
subject keywordsn MTL
subject keywordsn alternating minimization algorithm
subject keywordsn intrinsic features
subject keywordsn low-rank shared structure
subject keywordsn multitask learning
subject keywordsn optimization problem
subject keywordsn pollutant concentration
subject keywordsn spectrometers
subject keywordsn task relationships
subject keywordsn water quality monitoring
subject keywordsn wavelengths
subject keywordsn Joints
subject keywordsn Monitoring
subject keywordsn Optimization
subject keywordsn Predictive models
subject keywordsn Vectors
subject keywordsn Water pollution
subject keywordsn Yttrium
identifier doi10.1109/ChiCC.2014.6895731
journal titleignal Processing (ICSP), 2014 12th International Conference on

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