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contributor authorAndriani, M.
contributor authorSuryadi, K.
contributor authorSamadhi, T.A.
contributor authorSiswanto, J.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:28:48Z
date available2020-03-12T22:28:48Z
date issued2014
identifier other7011645.pdf
identifier uri
titleTheoretical model of knowledge management in SMEs life cycle: (A literature study)
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8221719
subject keywordsCompton effect
subject keywordsn X-ray production
subject keywordsn radioactive sources
subject keywordsn Compton Sources
subject keywordsn Compton backscattering
subject keywordsn Kharkov X-ray generator
subject keywordsn NESTOR
subject keywordsn X-ray sources
subject keywordsn gamma sources
subject keywordsn Generators
subject keywordsn Laser beams
subject keywordsn Laser tuning
subject keywordsn Photonics
subject keywordsn Storage rings
subject keywordsn X-ray lasers
identifier doi10.1109/BDO.2014.6890075
journal titleechnology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, and Environment (TIME-E), 2014 2nd International Co

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