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contributor authorMohamad, Norhafiza
contributor authorAziz, Pusparini Dewi Abdul
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:23:15Z
date available2020-03-12T22:23:15Z
date issued2014
identifier other7006213.pdf
identifier uri
titleEvaluation of economic benefits for market models in restructured electricity supply industry (ESI)
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8217731
subject keywordsFresnel diffraction
subject keywordsn curve fitting
subject keywordsn geometrical optics
subject keywordsn image reconstruction
subject keywordsn light scattering
subject keywordsn Fresnel diffraction
subject keywordsn blurring degree
subject keywordsn curve fitting
subject keywordsn defocused image
subject keywordsn depth reconstruction
subject keywordsn depth-from-defocus method
subject keywordsn geometric optics
subject keywordsn heat diffusion
subject keywordsn optical diffraction
subject keywordsn optical imaging system
subject keywordsn relative blurring
subject keywordsn Cameras
subject keywordsn Diffraction
subject keywordsn Image reconstruction
subject keywordsn Optical diffraction
subject keywordsn Optical imaging
subject keywordsn Shape
subject keywordsn Depth from
identifier doi10.1109/ICMA.2014.6885672
journal titlengineering Technology and Technopreneuship (ICE2T), 2014 4th International Conference on

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