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contributor authorKeshishzadeh, Sarineh
contributor authorRashidi, Saeid
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:15:48Z
date available2020-03-12T22:15:48Z
date issued2014
identifier other6999845.pdf
identifier uri
titleA system of biometric authentication based on ECG signal segmentation
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8213104
subject keywordscomputer aided instruction
subject keywordsn educational courses
subject keywordsn educational institutions
subject keywordsn further education
subject keywordsn mathematics
subject keywordsn ubiquitous computing
subject keywordsn Argentina
subject keywordsn Buenos Aires
subject keywordsn Madrid
subject keywordsn National Technological University
subject keywordsn Pontificia Comillas University
subject keywordsn STUDIUM virtual learning environment
subject keywordsn Salamanca University
subject keywordsn Spain
subject keywordsn b-learning
subject keywordsn blended learning
subject keywordsn course materials
subject keywordsn e-learning
subject keywordsn electronic learning
subject keywordsn inter-university collaboration
subject keywordsn learning sc
identifier doi10.1109/CISTI.2014.6877082
journal titlelectrical Engineering (ICEE), 2014 22nd Iranian Conference on

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