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contributor authorEslamifar, Omid
contributor authorShirazi, Reza Saraf
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:15:13Z
date available2020-03-12T22:15:13Z
date issued2014
identifier other6999512.pdf
identifier uri
titleDesign a dual-band low-power CMOS low noise amplifier for use in WLAN applications
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8212765
subject keywordscameras
subject keywordsn optical communication equipment
subject keywordsn sampling methods
subject keywordsn asynchronous scheme
subject keywordsn global shutter OCC system
subject keywordsn over-sampling technique
subject keywordsn rolling shutter OCC system
subject keywordsn software-based scheme
subject keywordsn unidirectional OCC system
subject keywordsn unidirectional optical camera communications
subject keywordsn Bit error rate
subject keywordsn Cameras
subject keywordsn Decoding
subject keywordsn IEEE 802.15 Standards
subject keywordsn Light emitting diodes
subject keywordsn Receivers
subject keywordsn Synchronization
subject keywordsn Optical camera communications (OCC)
subject keywordsn asynchronization
subject keywordsn asy
identifier doi10.1109/ICUFN.2014.6876747
journal titlelectrical Engineering (ICEE), 2014 22nd Iranian Conference on

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