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contributor authorCvijetic, Neda
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:08:35Z
date available2020-03-12T22:08:35Z
date issued2014
identifier other6995223.pdf
identifier uri
titleOFDM for short-reach optical networks
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8209052
subject keywordsdelay estimation
subject keywordsn embedded systems
subject keywordsn processor scheduling
subject keywordsn protocols
subject keywordsn resource allocation
subject keywordsn CBS variants
subject keywordsn bounded delay service
subject keywordsn deadline-based scheduler
subject keywordsn hard constant bandwidth server
subject keywordsn resource reservation
subject keywordsn resource sharing protocol
subject keywordsn scheduling mechanism
subject keywordsn system schedulability
subject keywordsn Abstracts
subject keywordsn Integrated circuits
subject keywordsn Legged locomotion
subject keywordsn Pensions
subject keywordsn Protocols
subject keywordsn Schedules
subject keywordsn Servers
identifier doi10.1109/SIES.2014.6871182
journal titlehotonics Conference (IPC), 2014 IEEE

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