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contributor authorZhang, Menglin
contributor authorLiu, Chongru
contributor authorHan, Yurong
contributor authorLi, Gengyin
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:07:32Z
date available2020-03-12T22:07:32Z
date issued2014
identifier other6993927.pdf
identifier uri
titleResearch on frequency oscillation of HVDC sending system in islanded mode of hydro power units
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8208393
subject keywordsmultiplying circuits
subject keywordsn power convertors
subject keywordsn power factor correction
subject keywordsn stability
subject keywordsn continuous conduction mode
subject keywordsn current loop compensation
subject keywordsn instability problem
subject keywordsn light load
subject keywordsn line voltage
subject keywordsn modulated carrier control
subject keywordsn multiplier
subject keywordsn power 300 W
subject keywordsn power factor correction
subject keywordsn precise sinusoidal line current shaping
subject keywordsn single-phase CCM boost PFC converter
subject keywordsn zero crossings
subject keywordsn Inductance
subject keywordsn Power factor correction
subject keywordsn Radio access networks
subject keywordsn Reactive power
identifier doi10.1109/IPEC.2014.6869952
journal titleower System Technology (POWERCON), 2014 International Conference on

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