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contributor authorPhayomhom, A.
contributor authorLantharthong, T.
contributor authorRugthaicharoencheep, N.
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:03:46Z
date available2020-03-12T22:03:46Z
date issued2014
identifier other6973460.pdf
identifier uri
titleTechnique for safety design of grounding grid in MEA's power distribution substation
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8205439
subject keywordsNAND circuits
subject keywordsn disc drives
subject keywordsn flash memories
subject keywordsn performance evaluation
subject keywordsn recycling
subject keywordsn scheduling
subject keywordsn I/O blocking
subject keywordsn NAND multichannel SSD
subject keywordsn erase-before-write characteristic
subject keywordsn flash memories
subject keywordsn flash-based solid-state disks
subject keywordsn microarchitecture parallelism
subject keywordsn parallel-unit-aware allocation policy
subject keywordsn performance degradation
subject keywordsn reclaiming operations
subject keywordsn trace-driven simulations
subject keywordsn Delays
subject keywordsn FTL
subject keywordsn SSDs
subject keywordsn allocation
subject keywordsn garbage collection
subject keywordsn micro-archi
identifier doi10.1109/IWECA.2014.6845750
journal titleightning Protection (ICLP), 2014 International Conference o

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