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contributor authorBenammar, Meryem
contributor authorPiantanida, Pablo
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:01:03Z
date available2020-03-12T22:01:03Z
date issued2014
identifier other6970866.pdf
identifier uri
titleOn the secrecy capacity region of the Wiretap Broadcast Channel
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8203635
subject keywordselectric impedance
subject keywordsn power distribution faults
subject keywordsn HIF model
subject keywordsn distribution feeder
subject keywordsn fault current
subject keywordsn fault transients
subject keywordsn harmonic content
subject keywordsn high impedance arcing faults
subject keywordsn high impedance fault modeling
subject keywordsn nonlinear behavior
subject keywordsn power frequency
subject keywordsn power systems
subject keywordsn protection techniques
subject keywordsn transient response
subject keywordsn voltage-current characteristic
subject keywordsn Analytical models
subject keywordsn Circuit faults
subject keywordsn Educational institutions
subject keywordsn Fault currents
subject keywordsn Harmonic analysis
subject keywordsn Impeda
identifier doi10.1109/ICHQP.2014.6842852
journal titlenformation Theory Workshop (ITW), 2014 IEEE

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