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contributor authorAndrade, G.
contributor authorFerreira, R.
contributor authorTeodoro, George
contributor authorRocha, Leonardo
contributor authorSaltz, Joel H.
contributor authorKurc, Tahsin
date accessioned2020-03-12T22:00:50Z
date available2020-03-12T22:00:50Z
date issued2014
identifier other6970651.pdf
identifier uri
titleEfficient Execution of Microscopy Image Analysis on CPU, GPU, and MIC Equipped Cluster Systems
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8203482
subject keywordsRayleigh channels
subject keywordsn probability
subject keywordsn space-time block codes
subject keywordsn DMT
subject keywordsn LD coded MISO systems
subject keywordsn STBC
subject keywordsn closed-form expression
subject keywordsn correlated Rayleigh fading MISO channel
subject keywordsn finite-SNR diversity-multiplexing tradeoff
subject keywordsn linear dispersion coded multiple-input single-output systems
subject keywordsn outage probability
subject keywordsn space-time block code
subject keywordsn Diversity methods
subject keywordsn Fading
subject keywordsn Gain
subject keywordsn MIMO
subject keywordsn Multiplexing
subject keywordsn Signal to noise ratio
subject keywordsn Transmitting antennas
subject keywordsn Diversity-Multiplexin
identifier doi10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842499
journal titleomputer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), 2014 IEEE 26th International Symposi

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