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contributor authorGong, S.
contributor authorZhu, Z.H.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:57:50Z
date available2020-03-12T21:57:50Z
date issued2014
identifier other6968167.pdf
identifier uri
titleModeling sensor behavior of CNT/polymer nanocomposite
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8200767
subject keywordselectronic engineering computing
subject keywordsn hardware description languages
subject keywordsn high level synthesis
subject keywordsn HLS application space
subject keywordsn HLS area
subject keywordsn academic tools
subject keywordsn commercial tools
subject keywordsn contemporary HLS
subject keywordsn contemporary high-level synthesis
subject keywordsn design languages
subject keywordsn Algorithm design and analysis
subject keywordsn Field programmable gate arrays
subject keywordsn Hardware
subject keywordsn Optimization
subject keywordsn Pipeline processing
subject keywordsn Software
subject keywordsn Timing
subject keywordsn High-Level Synthesis
identifier doi10.1109/ICICDT.2014.6838614
journal titleanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on

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