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contributor authorRizk, M.
contributor authorBaghdadi, A.
contributor authorJezequel, M.
contributor authorMohanna, Y.
contributor authorAtat, Y.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:56:52Z
date available2020-03-12T21:56:52Z
date issued2014
identifier other6966687.pdf
identifier uri
titleDesign and prototyping flow of NISC-based flexible MIMO turbo-equalizer
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8199853
subject keywordsaerospace components
subject keywordsn aerospace materials
subject keywordsn aircraft maintenance
subject keywordsn cost reduction
subject keywordsn laser materials processing
subject keywordsn military aircraft
subject keywordsn rapid prototyping (industrial)
subject keywordsn three-dimensional printing
subject keywordsn aerospace applications
subject keywordsn aerospace components manufacturing
subject keywordsn aerospace components production
subject keywordsn aerospace sector
subject keywordsn broken metal component repair
subject keywordsn complex manufacture structure shape
subject keywordsn critical analysis
subject keywordsn development cost reduction
subject keywordsn laser-based additive m
identifier doi10.1109/AERO.2014.6836456
journal titleapid System Prototyping (RSP), 2014 25th IEEE International Symposium on

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