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contributor authorWei, Yi
contributor authorLok, Tat-Ming
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:55:54Z
date available2020-03-12T21:55:54Z
date issued2014
identifier other6966099.pdf
identifier uri
titleOptimization of Interference Alignment in MIMO Channel with Multiple Layers of Relays
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8199034
subject keywordsinteger programming
subject keywordsn linear programming
subject keywordsn power distribution economics
subject keywordsn pricing
subject keywordsn 33-bus distribution system
subject keywordsn CBL
subject keywordsn CPP
subject keywordsn DSO
subject keywordsn MILP
subject keywordsn RTP
subject keywordsn TOU
subject keywordsn critical peak pricing
subject keywordsn customer baseline load
subject keywordsn day-ahead distribution system operation
subject keywordsn distribution system operator
subject keywordsn load profile
subject keywordsn mixed integer linear programming
subject keywordsn price elasticity
subject keywordsn real time pricing
subject keywordsn time-of-use
subject keywordsn time-varying electricity rates
subject keywordsn Elasticity
subject keywordsn Electricity
identifier doi10.1109/EEEIC.2014.6835862
journal titleehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2014 IEEE 80th

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