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contributor authorXie, Mengjie
contributor authorLok, Tat Ming
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:55:38Z
date available2020-03-12T21:55:38Z
date issued2014
identifier other6965940.pdf
identifier uri
titleDistributed Joint Transmitter-Receiver Beamforming and Power Allocation in MIMO Interference Channel with Interference Alignment
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8198775
subject keywordsgrid computing
subject keywordsn mobile ad hoc networks
subject keywordsn resource allocation
subject keywordsn computational resources
subject keywordsn grid computing system
subject keywordsn mobile ad hoc grid
subject keywordsn mobile ad hoc network
subject keywordsn mobility prediction
subject keywordsn node mobility variation
subject keywordsn resource allocation performance
subject keywordsn resource faulty selection
subject keywordsn Ad hoc networks
subject keywordsn Delays
subject keywordsn Mobile nodes
subject keywordsn Peer-to-peer computing
subject keywordsn Resource management
subject keywordsn mobile ad hoc grid
subject keywordsn mobility prediction
subject keywordsn resource allocation
identifier doi10.1109/IGBSG.2014.6835254
journal titleehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2014 IEEE 80th

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