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contributor authorPinninghoff, M.A.
contributor authorContreras, R.
contributor authorPantoja, C.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:54:55Z
date available2020-03-12T21:54:55Z
date issued2014
identifier other6965167.pdf
identifier uri
titleA comparison of methods for the vehicle routing problem
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8198169
subject keywordsannealing
subject keywordsn copper
subject keywordsn electric resistance
subject keywordsn electromigration
subject keywordsn grain growth
subject keywordsn grain size
subject keywordsn integrated circuit interconnections
subject keywordsn low-k dielectric thin films
subject keywordsn passivation
subject keywordsn stress control
subject keywordsn tantalum compounds
subject keywordsn thermal stresses
subject keywordsn Cu
subject keywordsn TaN
subject keywordsn anneal temperature
subject keywordsn copper interconnects
subject keywordsn electromigration resistance
subject keywordsn grain growth
subject keywordsn grain size
subject keywordsn low-k dielectric
subject keywordsn metal passivation layer
subject keywordsn stress voiding related problems
subject keywordsn temperature 1
identifier doi10.1109/IITC.2014.6831888
journal titleomputing Conference (CLEI), 2014 XL Latin American

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