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contributor authorAntonelli, C.
contributor authorMecozzi, A.
contributor authorShtaif, M.
contributor authorWinzer, P.J.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:53:45Z
date available2020-03-12T21:53:45Z
date issued2014
identifier other6964167.pdf
identifier uri
titleCriticality of assumptions in the study of performance degradation caused by mode-dependent loss in SDM systems
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8197110
subject keywordsBluetooth
subject keywordsn computerised monitoring
subject keywordsn greenhouses
subject keywordsn humidity
subject keywordsn microcontrollers
subject keywordsn sensors
subject keywordsn soil
subject keywordsn CB-SPA331 Bluetooth module
subject keywordsn DS18B20
subject keywordsn PIC16F876 microcontroller
subject keywordsn SHT11
subject keywordsn air temperature measurement
subject keywordsn analog sensors
subject keywordsn industrial Bluetooth application
subject keywordsn real-time wireless monitoring system
subject keywordsn relative humidity
subject keywordsn serial port adapter
subject keywordsn soil temperature data
subject keywordsn tomato greenhouse
subject keywordsn wireless communication
subject keywordsn Bluetooth
subject keywordsn Greenhouses
subject keywordsn Re
identifier doi10.1109/SIU.2014.6830287
journal titleptical Communication (ECOC), 2014 European Conference on

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