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contributor authorYagoubi, M.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:51:11Z
date available2020-03-12T21:51:11Z
date issued2014
identifier other6961546.pdf
identifier uri
titleA parametric sensitivity constrained linear quadratic controller
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8194855
subject keywordsOFDM modulation
subject keywordsn nonlinear distortion
subject keywordsn polynomials
subject keywordsn power amplifiers
subject keywordsn spectral analysis
subject keywordsn OFDM signal nonlinear amplification
subject keywordsn PA
subject keywordsn SDR
subject keywordsn orthogonal frequency division multiplexing signals
subject keywordsn power amplifier
subject keywordsn power spectral density characterization
subject keywordsn signal-to-distortion power ratio
subject keywordsn spectral regrowth estimation
subject keywordsn third-order polynomial model
subject keywordsn Bandwidth
subject keywordsn Computers
subject keywordsn Correlation
subject keywordsn Frequency measurement
subject keywordsn Nonlinear distortion
subject keywordsn OFDM
identifier doi10.1109/PAWR.2014.6825744
journal titleontrol and Automation (MED), 2014 22nd Mediterranean Conference of

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