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contributor authorMobashsher, Ahmed Toaha
contributor authorAbbosh, Amin
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:47:38Z
date available2020-03-12T21:47:38Z
date issued2014
identifier other6958632.pdf
identifier uri
titleLow profile ultra-wideband directional antenna operating in low microwave band for brain stroke diagnostic system
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8192324
subject keywordslegged locomotion
subject keywordsn servomotors
subject keywordsn steering systems
subject keywordsn Robotis Bioloid Comprehensive Kit
subject keywordsn path following algorithm
subject keywordsn quadruped robot
subject keywordsn robot frontal axis
subject keywordsn robot frontal legs
subject keywordsn robot position
subject keywordsn servomotors
subject keywordsn steering problem
subject keywordsn target point
subject keywordsn Actuators
subject keywordsn Joints
subject keywordsn Learning automata
subject keywordsn Legged locomotion
subject keywordsn Robot kinematics
subject keywordsn Servomotors
subject keywordsn Legged Robots
subject keywordsn Mobile Robotics
subject keywordsn Path Following Algorithm
subject keywordsn Walking Machines
identifier doi10.1109/SysCon.2014.6819297
journal titlentenna Technology: "Small Antennas, Novel EM Structures and Materials, and Applications&

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