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contributor authorBilgic, Winfried
contributor authorMartinez-Vazquez, Marta
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:43:35Z
date available2020-03-12T21:43:35Z
date issued2014
identifier other6955645.pdf
identifier uri
titleNumerical evaluation of human exposure to EMP signals
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8189636
subject keywordscryptography
subject keywordsn cultural aspects
subject keywordsn Africans
subject keywordsn Arabs
subject keywordsn Libyans
subject keywordsn Nigerians
subject keywordsn Scottish culture
subject keywordsn cross-cultural influences
subject keywordsn cultural characteristics
subject keywordsn cultural information
subject keywordsn hand drawn image guessability
subject keywordsn religion
subject keywordsn secret graphical password
subject keywordsn Authentication
subject keywordsn Cultural differences
subject keywordsn Educational institutions
subject keywordsn Internet
subject keywordsn Sociology
subject keywordsn Statistics
subject keywordsn Guessability
subject keywordsn Hhand drawing images
subject keywordsn Security
subject keywordsn graphical password
identifier doi10.1109/CSIT.2014.6805971
journal titleadio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), 2014 USNC-URSI

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