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contributor authorHarness, R.S.
contributor authorBudge, M.C.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:38:04Z
date available2020-03-12T21:38:04Z
date issued2014
identifier other6950729.pdf
identifier uri
titleA study on SAR noise jamming and false target insertion
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8186008
subject keywordsInternet of Things
subject keywordsn cloud computing
subject keywordsn distributed sensors
subject keywordsn power consumption
subject keywordsn power engineering computing
subject keywordsn risk management
subject keywordsn traffic engineering computing
subject keywordsn Contiki Operating System
subject keywordsn Internet of Things
subject keywordsn SAaaS
subject keywordsn Sensor Web Enablement standard specifications
subject keywordsn Sensor and Actuator as a Service
subject keywordsn SensorCloud
subject keywordsn advanced multirisk management
subject keywordsn contextualization
subject keywordsn data driven application
subject keywordsn data driven solution
subject keywordsn device driven solution
subject keywordsn geo-aw
identifier doi10.1109/NCCA.2014.10
journal titleOUTHEASTCON 2014, IEEE

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