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contributor authorGaspar, I.
contributor authorMendes, L.
contributor authorMatthe, M.
contributor authorMichailow, N.
contributor authorFestag, A.
contributor authorFettweis, G.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:18:02Z
date available2020-03-12T21:18:02Z
date issued2014
identifier other6933348.pdf
identifier uri
titleLTE-compatible 5G PHY based on generalized frequency division multiplexing
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8172224
subject keywordsengineering education
subject keywordsfurther education
subject keywordsglobalisation
subject keywordsengineering courses
subject keywordsengineering education
subject keywordsengineering students
subject keywordsethical reasoning
subject keywordsglobally competent engineer
subject keywordsintercultural competence
subject keywordsintercultural settings
subject keywordsinternational communication
subject keywordsinternational courses
subject keywordsinternational markets
subject keywordsinternational programs
subject keywordsinternational teamwork
subject keywordsinternational working-teams
subject keywordslocal educational systems
subject keywordsuniversities
subject keywordsAccreditation
subject keywordsContext
subject keywordsCultural differences
subject keywordsEconomics
subject keywordsEngineering education
subject keywordsKnowle
identifier doi10.1109/ICL.2014.7017898
journal titleireless Communications Systems (ISWCS), 2014 11th International Symposium on

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