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contributor authorHamnerius, Y.
contributor authorNilsson, T.
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:14:31Z
date available2020-03-12T21:14:31Z
date issued2014
identifier other6930933.pdf
identifier uri
titleAssessing complex low frequency magnetic fields against the EU directive for worker protection
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8169472
subject keywordsclimatology
subject keywordsdata models
subject keywordsdata visualisation
subject keywordsgeophysics computing
subject keywordsinteractive systems
subject keywordsparallel processing
subject keywordsanalytical effectiveness
subject keywordscomputation performance
subject keywordsdesign rationale
subject keywordsdesktop computer
subject keywordsflow fields
subject keywordshigh-performance computer
subject keywordsinformation-visualization
subject keywordsinteractive visualization
subject keywordslarge-scale climate model data
subject keywordslarge-scale interactive exploration
subject keywordslarge-scale scientific data
subject keywordslarge-scale visualization development efforts
subject keywordsnatural climate phenomenon
subject keywordspersonal computer
subject keywordsrapid prototyping
identifier doi10.1109/LDAV.2014.7013208
journal titlelectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe), 2014 International Symposium on

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