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contributor authorMammen, Anju , Weeks, Richard
date accessioned2020-03-12T21:01:33Z
date available2020-03-12T21:01:33Z
date issued2014
identifier other6921221.pdf
identifier uri
titleElectronic Medical Record (EMR) technology acceptance by healthcare professionals in South Africa
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8160213
subject keywordsantenna radiation patterns
subject keywordsmicrostrip antennas
subject keywordsmicrostrip lines
subject keywordsmicrowave antennas
subject keywordsmultifrequency antennas
subject keywordsultra wideband antennas
subject keywordsT-shaped slots
subject keywordsUWB frequency band
subject keywordscompact proximity-fed ultra-wide band patch antenna
subject keywordselectrical equivalent lumped-circuit
subject keywordsfrequency 3.5 GHz to 5.9 GHz
subject keywordsfrequency band-rejection characteristics
subject keywordsmicrostrip feed line
subject keywordsnarrow rectangular slits
subject keywordsnotched-band characteristics
subject keywordsomnidirectional radiation patterns
subject keywordsprinted cedar tree-shaped UWB antenna
subject keywordsAntenna mea
identifier doi10.1109/CSNDSP.2014.6923901
journal titleanagement of Engineering & Technology (PICMET), 2014 Portland International Conference on

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