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date accessioned2020-03-12T20:11:05Z
date available2020-03-12T20:11:05Z
date issued2014
identifier other6856006.pdf
identifier uri
titleBehavior modeling for whole-chip HV ESD protection circuits
typeConference Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid8126458
subject keywordsbioelectric potentials
subject keywordsbiomedical electrodes
subject keywordsblind source separation
subject keywordselectrocardiography
subject keywordsindependent component analysis
subject keywordsmedical signal processing
subject keywordsFastICA method
subject keywordsabdominal ECG electrodes
subject keywordsblind source separation method
subject keywordsfetal ECG signal recording
subject keywordsfetal heart rate determination
subject keywordsindependent component analysis
subject keywordsElectrocardiography
subject keywordsElectrodes
subject keywordsFetus
subject keywordsHeart rate variability
subject keywordsHistograms
subject keywordsJoints
subject keywordsFastICA
subject keywordsblind source separation
subject keywordsfetal ECG
subject keywordsfetal heart rate
identifier doi10.1109/ICCP.2014.6936973
journal titleower Semiconductor Devices & IC's (ISPSD), 2014 IEEE 26th International Symposium o
contributor rawauthorLi Wang , Rui Ma , Chen Zhang , Zongyu Dong , Fei Lu , Wang, A.

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