نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 19
برانگیختگیها اپتیکی و انرژیهای شبه ذره در ساختار لانه زنبوری تک لایهAlN
We calculated the electronic structure and optical properties of the AlN monolayer based on first
principle many body Green’s function and Bethe Salpeter equation formalism. We computed that the
indirect ...
First-principles calculations of the Young’s modulus of double wall boron-nitride nanotubes
By using ab-initio density functional theory and the PerdeweBurkeeErnzerh of generalized gradient
approximation, the Young’s modulus of double-wall boron nitride nanotubes (DWBNNT) is investigated.
We estimated ...
Optical excitations and quasiparticle energies in the AlN monolayer honeycomb structure
We calculated the electronic structure and optical properties of the AlN monolayer based on first principle many-body Green’s function and Bethe–Salpeter equation formalism. We computed that
the indirect (direct) ...
Quasiparticle energies and optical excitations in the GaAs monolayer
Usingfirst principles many-body theory methods (Green s function and Bethe Salpeter equation
formalism) we calculated the electronic structure and optical properties of the GaAs monolayer. We
computed that ...
Evaluation the effect of electrical field on a FM/ZGNR/FM
By using a single band tight-binding Hamiltonian and the Green’s function approach
together, we studied the effect of electrical field on a ferromagnetic electrode-Zigzag
Graphene Nano Ribbon -FM systems. Our ...
The study of the effect of increasing adsorbed hydrog s atomic percentage on electronic properties of boron-nitride nanotube
The bindingenergyofchemicallyadsorbedhydrogenatomsonboronnitridenanotube(3,3)wasstudied
within densityfunctionaltheory(DFT).Resultsshowthatelectronicpropertiesofboronnitridenanotube
are stronglyaffectedbyth ...
Valuation of Magnetic Non-Collinear Effects on FM/trans-PA/FM Systems
a b s t r a c t
With Green’s function method and single band tight binding Hamiltonian, we calculated coherence
transport for trans-polyacetylene (T-PA) systems placed between ferromagnetic electrodes with ...
Coherent spin-dependent electronic transport is investigated in a molecular
junction made of organic molecule (linear chain of benzene rings) attached to two
the semi-infinite ferromagnetic (FM) electrodes ...
In this work, using a tight-binding Hamiltonian and a non-equilibrium Green's
function technique, the spin-dependent transport properties of the electrode/ single
molecule/electrode system is numerically ...