نمایش تعداد 1-10 از 32
A constraint-based method for solving sequential manipulation planning problems
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Easy to calib: Auto-calibration of camera from sequential images based on VP and EKF
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Modal estimation by FBG for flexible structures attitude control
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Shape Tracking of Planar Hyper-Flexible Beams via Embedded PVDF Deflection Sensors
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Adaptive Boundary Control of a Nonlinear Flexible String System
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
Patterned Heterogeneous CMPs: The Case for Regularity-Driven System-Level Synthesis
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
A new cost function for spatial image steganography
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014
[Copyright notice]
ناشر: IEEE
سال: 2014